Hello! Welcome to Keto Byte Brews. The point of this site is to check out and teach keto-relevant foodstuffs and recipes. Such include basic and quick snack foods, energy drinks and powders, low GI cocktails, and more.
About me
The inspiration for this came from my diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes. The Keto Diet is one of the best ways to manage the symptoms of Diabetes. With Type 2, one could even get away with not having to inject a single unit of insulin. All you have to do is go on a carb-restricted diet combined with intermittent fasting. So I had transition my diet. Doing my very best I made sure that my food at least still tasted good while finding keto-friendly alternatives.
I am a fellow gamer, twitch streamer, programmer, and all-around nerd with an interest in mixology. I felt that aspects of the Keto food community do not speak to me. Junk food is part of the stereotype – from Cheetos and Mountain Dew being associated with Dungeon and Dragon’s players to Reese sponsoring Twitch streamers, carby foods and sugary energy drinks are everywhere. Further, the people pushing Keto tend to also be into ‘superfoods’ and liken Keto to being a lifestyle – like following the diet you have to change your life.
What I hope to accomplish
This blog hopes to help those adjust to the Keto Diet while making it easier on them by showing the keto alternatives for so many of our favourite foods. I mean, what if I told you I know of a brand of protein chips that taste pretty damn close to Doritos? Or that there are energy drink brands that have no sugar in them? Or that the most keto-friendly way to consume alcohol is via hard liquor?
I also want to get into some of the science behind the Keto diet and many related topics on this front.